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Honasa Consumer Limited चा आयपीए 31 ऑक्टोबर 2023 पासनू होणार खलु ा, वित्त िर्ष 2024 च्या पहहल्या ततमाहीत कं पनी आली फायद्यात

Honasa Consumer Limited (“HCL” or the “Company”), चा आयपीओ मगं ळिारी, 31 ऑक्टोबर रोजी खलु ा होणार असनू त्याचे दशनष ी मल्ू य 10 रुपये असेल.

कंपनीला वित्त िर्ष 2024 च्या पहहल्या ततमाहीत फायद्यात राहहली असनू कंपनीला 24.71 कोटी रुपयांचा नफा झाला आहे. गेल्या वित्त िर्ाषच्या पहहल्या ततमाहीत कंपनीचा नफा 11.52 कोटी होता आणण वित्त िर्ष 2023 मध्ये कं पनीला 151 कोटींचा तोटा झाला होता. आता कं पनीने झेप घेत नफ्याकिे िाटचालसरूु केलीआहे.
वित्त िर्ष 2024 च्या पहहल्या ततमाहीत सकल नफ्याचे मार्जनष 17.03 टक्के राहहले आहे. बबझनेस मॉड्यलु मधील कायक्षष मता आणण कायाषन्वियनातील बदल यामळु े कं पनी आता नफा होण्याच्या आणण त्यात िाढ होण्याच्या दृष्टीने मागक्रष मण करत आहे.
एकूण 365 कोटी रुपयांचे समभाग याद्िारे विक्री केले जाणारा असनू त्यात 4,12,48,162 समभाग विकले जाणार आहेत. या ओएफएसमध्ये समभाग ऑफर करणाऱ्यांमध्ये प्रितकष आणण सस्ं थापक – िरूण अलघ आणण गझल अलघ आणण फायरसाईि व्हेंचसष फं ि, सोकफना, स्टेलररस, करून बहल, रोहीत कुमार बन्वसल, ररर्भ हर्ष माररिाला आणण बॉलीििू कलाकार लशल्पा शट्टे ी कंुद्रा या गतंु िणकू दारांचाही समािेश आहे.
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या आयपीओची विक्री गरुु िारी 2 नोव्हेंबर 2023 रोज बदं होईल.
या आयपीओमध्ये प्रत्येक समभागाची ककंमत 308 रुपये ते 324 रुपये अशी असेल. यासाठी कमीतकमी 46समभागांच्याएकालॉटसाठीबोलीलािािीलागलेआणणत्यानतंर46च्यापटीतबोलीलाितायेईल. कमचषारीआरक्षणातनूबोलीलािणाऱ्यापात्रकमचषाऱ्यांनाप्रत्येकसमभागािर30रुपयांचेडिस्काऊंट लमळे ल.
याफ्रेशइश्यच्ूयामाध्यमातनू जमविण्यातयेणाऱ्यातनधीद्िारेपढुीलकाहीगोष्टीकरण्याचेउहिष्टआहे. त्यानसु ार ब्रिँ सित्रष हदसािा यासाठी जाहहरातीच्या माध्यमातनू जनजागतृ ी करणे, निीन ईबीओ स्थापन करण्यासाठीभांििलीखचषकरणे,निीसलन्वूसउभेकरण्यासाठीभाबानीब्लटंहेअरड्रलेसगंप्रा.लल.या उपकंपनीमध्येगतंुिणकू करणेआणणसिसषाधारणउद्योगीयकामासाठीआणणअधधग्रहणासाठीतनधी िापरण्याचे उहिष्ट आहे.
कोटकमहहद्रंाकॅवपटलकंपनीलललमटेि,लसहटग्रपु ग्लोबलमाकेट्सइडंियाप्रा.लल.,जेएमफायनार्न्वशअल लललमटेि आणण ज.े पी. मॉगनष इंडिया प्रायव्हेट लललमटेि हे या ऑफरसाठी बकु रतनगं लीि मनॅ ेजसष आहेत.
About The Company:
Honasa Consumer Limited is the largest digital-first beauty and personal care (“BPC”) company in India in terms of revenue from operations for the Financial Year 2023 (Source: RedSeer Report). Since its inception, Honasa Consumer has worked with the primary objective of developing products that address beauty and personal care problems faced by consumers. Company’s flagship brand, Mamaearth, is built to service a core customer need for safe-to-use, natural products, and focuses on developing toxin-free beauty products made with natural ingredients. According to the RedSeer Report, as of the Financial Year 2023, Mamaearth has emerged as the fastest growing BPC brand in India to reach an annual revenue of ₹10 billion (in the preceding 12 months) within six years of launch.
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Since launching Mamaearth in 2016, Honasa has added five new brands to its portfolio, namely The Derma Co., Aqualogica, Ayuga, BBlunt and Dr. Sheth’s, and have built a ‘House of Brands’ architecture. As of June 30, 2023, company’s portfolio of brands with differentiated value propositions includes products in the baby care, face care, body care, hair care, color cosmetics and fragrances segments.
As per RedSeer Report, Honasa Consumer is the largest company in the DTC BPC market in India in terms of revenue generated from the DTC channel in Financial Year 2023. Its brand Mamaearth was ranked amongst the top three in terms of awareness in the grooming category on Flipkart between May 2021 and July 2023 and Mamaearth was India’s most-searched BPC brand on Google Trends between January 2020 and June 2023.
The Company makes products available to customers through Omni-channel distribution networks across both online and offline touchpoints. Its modern trade channel includes a network of 31 retail chains, as of June 30, 2023, with whom it has contractual arrangements for the sale of products. These retail chains include national retail chains, regional retail chains, pharmacies, and cash-and-carry stores across India. For the period of July 2023, the Company is estimated to have retailed products through 154,447 FMCG retail outlets in India. Its offline channel consists of general trade channels and modern trade retail channels, and is supplemented by 85 EBOs across India as of June 30, 2023. The Company accesses this channel through its network of distributors, super distributors and sub-stockiest (total of 220 by FY23).
Honasa continuously seek to connect better with its consumers and strengthen its brand equity by building ‘purpose driven’ brands that are associated with environmental and social impact causes. Through the Mamaearth ‘Plant Goodness’ initiative, company work with a non-government organisation to plant trees for orders placed on its direct-to-consumer (“DTC”) platform and share geo-tagged images of these trees with its consumers. Similarly, The Derma Co. is associated with a ‘Young Scientists’ program wherein children in certain rural parts of India are provided with access to education in science,
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and Aqualogica is associated with a ‘Fresh Water for All’ initiative wherein company help enable access to clean drinking water for marginalized communities.

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